(617) 822-9100 | info@mahahome.org | 1803 Dorchester Ave., Dorchester MA 02124


MAHA Housing Hub

A graphic of varied homes side by side, in a light blue color.

Twelve Out of Sixty CRA Ratings of Massachusetts Banks in 2024 Were "Outstanding"

Of the 60 CRA ratings awarded to Massachusetts banks during 2024, twelve (20%) were "Outstanding," according to the annual CRA Ratings of Massachusetts Banks, Credit Unions, and Licensed Mortgage Lenders report by the Massachusetts Affordable Homeownership Alliance (MAHA). This percentage is higher than the average percentage of "Outstanding" ratings during the preceding ten years (15.0%), although slightly below last year's 21.2%.

Strategic Plan

Announcing Homeownership is the Key, our new Strategic Plan

We are excited to announce the Strategic Plan that will take MAHA into 2029. In Fall of 2023, MAHA engaged with Community Action Partners (CAP), a volunteer consulting program of the Harvard Business School Association of Boston, to develop MAHA’s next strategic plan. The project offered MAHA staff and its Board of Directors an opportunity to review MAHA’s mission and vision, values, and Theory of Change, and develop new strategic goals and metrics for the next five years.

MAHA logo

Introducing the Massachusetts Affordable Homeownership Alliance

Our logo and name have served us well for nearly 40 years! As we are looking to the coming years, we are excited about a new name and a new look that will take us into the future. Our new branding will be with us as we develop new education programs, organize first-time homebuyers across the state, and continue working to increase access to affordable sustainable homeownership.

So why the new name?

Cummings Presenters

MAHA Awarded $750,000 Cummings Grant

MAHA is one of 150 local nonprofits that will share in $30 million through Cummings Foundation’s major annual grants program. The Dorchester-based organization was selected from a total of 715 applicants during a competitive review process. MAHA will receive $750,000 over 10 years.


Fourteen Out of Sixty-Six CRA Ratings of Massachusetts Banks in 2023 Were "Outstanding"

Of the 66 CRA ratings awarded to Massachusetts banks during 2023, fourteen (21.2%) were “Outstanding,” according to a report by the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance (MAHA). This percentage is substantially above the average percentage of “Outstanding” ratings during the preceding nine years (14.4%). For federal regulators, the “Outstanding” share was 25.0% (10 of 40 ratings, including 5 of 9 the ratings by the OCC); for the state, the “Outstanding” share was 15.4% (4 of 26).

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