(617) 822-9100 | info@mahahome.org | 1803 Dorchester Ave., Dorchester MA 02124



About MAHA

Massachusetts Affordable Homeownership Alliance (MAHA) is a nonprofit organization that was established in 1985 and is committed to increasing access to affordable and sustainable homeownership. It provides comprehensive first-time homebuyer and homeowner education programs, civic engagement, and community organizing to break down the barriers facing first-time and first-generation homebuyers. 

We envision a housing landscape where everyone in Massachusetts has equitable access to the security and stability that comes with achieving affordable, sustainable homeownership.  Through our highly successful Homeownership University programs, we empower participants with the skills needed to make informed decisions and succeed as homeowners. These programs have significantly impacted the community, equipping individuals with the knowledge and resources to secure their own homes. Additionally, our STASH First-Gen Home program specifically supports first-generation homebuyers, playing a crucial role in closing the racial homeownership and wealth gaps in Massachusetts.

Our success is not possible without the support of our community and generous donors. With their help, we can provide essential resources and support to first-time and first-generation homebuyers, making the dream of homeownership a reality for many families. We are grateful for their continued support and partnership in our mission.  


Graduates from homebuyer and
homeowner classes since 1991


MAHA graduates bought
their first home in 2024


STASH First-Gen Home graduates have
become homeowners since 2019


People took action with MAHA to advocate for affordable homeownership in 2024

Our Core Values

Our Mission

MAHA breaks down barriers facing first-time and first-generation home buyers and owners through education, counseling, advocacy, and grassroots organizing.

Our Vision

Equitable access to security and stability through affordable sustainable homeownership.

Our Values

We approach our work with passion for our mission.
We treat everyone with respect, dignity, and compassion.
We actively listen.
We are transparent in our interactions with others.
We seek to meet and exceed the expectations of our clients.
We harness our collective power.

MAHA Through the Years


MAHA is founded.


MAHA began the Homebuyers Union


1989 - 1990

MAHA leads campaign to increase access to banking services which results in Boston banks opening 9 new branches and 40 ATMs in underbanked communities


MAHA along with MHP create the Soft Second program which eventually becomes the ONE Mortgage program



MAHA begins teaching first-time homebuyer classes


MAHA & Bowdoin St Health Center organize to encourage Boston to establish the city's first grant program to make homes lead safe


MAHA organizes for the passage of the Insurance Anti-Redlining Act


MAHA launches free Home Safe post-purchase classes with discounts on policies from participating insurance companies

1996 - 1998

MAHA & MACDC lead a campaign to pass the An Act Insuring Community Investment and the Equitable Taxation of Insurance Companies


MAHA campaigns for Boston to adopt an inclusionary development policy


Mayor Menino announced Boston's first formal inclusionary development policy, which calls for market rate housing to set aside 13% of the units as affordable


MAHA files legislation to create a Community Reinvestment Act for mortgage companies


MAHA's organizing results in the first increase in Boston's linkage fee in 15 years


CRA for mortgage companies gets signed into law in MA


MAHA's newly build building opens

MAHA Building


MAHA hosts the first annual Taste of Dorchester

Taste of Dorcester


MAHA leads campaign that results in the Community Preservation Act passing in Boston



MAHA launches MAHA Homes, our in house buyer broker


MAHA's STASH: First-Gen Home program begins



MAHA launches Expand the Pie campaign

Expand the Pie


MAHA's organizing results in another increase in Boston's linkage fee


STASH goes statewide utilizing American Plan Rescue Act funds


ONE Mortgage reaches milestone of 25,000 homebuyers


MAHA unveils new name and logo, becoming the Massachusetts Affordable Homeownership Alliance

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