(617) 822-9100 | info@mahahome.org | 1803 Dorchester Ave., Dorchester MA 02124


Community Organizing

MAHA began the Homebuyers Union – a grassroots group made up of low- and moderate-income tenants who wanted to become homeowners in 1988. Since then, MAHA and the Homebuyers Union has worked with banks, insurance companies, and elected officials around the issues of affordable homeownership, increased investment in lower income neighborhoods, and improved quality of life for lower income residents. MAHA’s community organizing was key in the creation of the ONE Mortgage program (formerly the SoftSecond program). Today, MAHA along with hundreds of Homebuyer Union members advocate for more funding for affordable homeownership programs so that more people across Massachusetts can access homeownership. Take action with MAHA to ensure that homeownership is accessible to all!


Take Action Today

Join MAHA in telling your elected officials that you want affordable homeownership in Massachusetts! Clicking the link below will let you send emails to Governor Healey, Secretary Augustus, Secretary Gorzkowicz, and your representatives. Just enter your name, email, and address to get to our email template. It takes less than 2 minutes to make your voice heard!

Current Campaigns

We are currently focused on advocating for:


Renewable funding for STASH

First-Gen Home (downpayment assistance for first-generation homebuyers) both in Boston and statewide 

  • Downpayment assistance of $20,000 really makes a difference in making home affordable for first-generation homebuyers!

Increased Construction

Increased construction pipeline of affordable homes for low-to-moderate income homebuyers

  • We need more supply of affordable homes in Boston and across Massachusetts being built to address the housing crisis!


ONE+ Mortgage program

Enhancements of the ONE+ Mortgage program in Boston and now in the Gateway cities

  • The ONE+ Mortgage program is the most affordable mortgage in Massachusetts, and with enhancements it will only help more people attain homeownership!

Building a Coalition

Building a statewide coalition of potential homebuyers and homebuyer education organizations to advocate alongside MAHA

  • With more people comes more power to influence statewide policy!

Get Involved with Us!

Want to buy a home but feeling like it’s not possible? Join the Homebuyer’s Union, and organize with MAHA to fight for the programs and resources you need!

Fill out the form below and someone from our staff will contact you.
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Work with MAHA to distribute fliers:
Come to a meeting with elected officials and/or bankers:
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