(617) 822-9100 | info@mahahome.org | 1803 Dorchester Ave., Dorchester MA 02124


Condo Owner 202: Starts 03-05-2025 VIRTUAL

Due to COVID-19 pandemic and current requirement of social distancing MAHA in-person classes are now going VIRTUAL and we would like to invite all who are willing and capable to join our virtual Condo 202 class via Zoom. You will be provided information to “Join the Meeting” in the reminder email you get 3 days before the class.

Please complete the registration and click submit. Space is limited and is reserved upon receipt of your registration. An asterick(*) denotes a required field. If you have any questions, please call 617-544-7165.

This class meets virtually


Homebuyer Registration
Please use a Massachusetts address if possible
If you are completing this registration for a different person, please use their email.

Please provide your primary phone as numbers only - Do NOT include a 1 at the beginning.

ONLY LAST 4 numbers of your Social Security
Enter the total number of people living in your household (adults and children). NUMBERS only. Do not add any notes or other information.
Total number of adults over the age of 18 that reside at your home address.
Total number of children under the age of 18 that live at your home address.

Please indicate ANNUAL income of ALL household members. NUMBERS ONLY - DO NOT USE ANY SPECIAL CHARACTERS - NUMBERS ONLY: 123456. Do not use commas, periods, $

First generation home buyers are when you and parents / step-parents, regardless of age or time in the US, have never owned a home in the U.S.

What areas/neighborhoods do you want to buy?

Homeowner Household
Report NUMBERS only. Do not add any notes or other information.
Report NUMBERS only. Do not add any notes or other information.